Earthenware Cookware

In our old days, we used to cook food by using clay cook wares.  Those clay utensils were locally made in our villages.  The food which was cooked in these clay utensils had special taste and flavor.  Not only tasty, but it was also nutritious.

With the development of modern technology, we replaced it with aluminum utensils or stainless steel utensils, especially with the invention of pressure cookers, earthenware pots gradually disappeared from our kitchens

It is well known to all of us, 'health is our precious wealth." In these days, all are health conscious
than before.  Nobody wanted to become unhealthy. So, old and young people are both caring their health as well.  So, at this time, clay cook wares have their own importance in our modern living.  Let's try to bring them back into our kitchen with modern style and innovation with the goodness of nature.



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