Clay Pots with New Style

Clay Pots with New Style

Old pots in new style with beautiful designs and perfect shapes.  These are available in different sizes for different uses.  Round handi for cooking curries,  keeping curd, etc... 

Round Handi Set with handle


Casserole for keeping foods hot for long time.

Rice pot for cooking rice with natural taste.
Rice Pot with handle

How To Make Clay Pots By using Pot Making Machine

How To Make Clay Pots By using Pot Making Machine

As I wrote earlier, the potters are making clay pots by using their potters' wheel as well, but in these modern days, as a result of research and development of modern technology, the potters are also using advanced machines for making clay pots instead of using their old potters' wheel. 

Molds and dyes are widely using for making pots.  The potters can make clay pots very easily and very fast with perfect shape and fine finish in all types of clay pots and make all types of clay products as very perfect like ceramic wares.  Potters can save their time and energy and minimum loss of breakage as well as they can increase their production.    So because of this, they can develop new designs and use new ideas in the production of clay pots and can make variety of products according to the market trends.